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Let’s make you a published author!


If you want to write or finish writing your book in six months or fewer and become a published author, my Author Mastermind is for you.

Do you have big ideas? Piles of notes? A rough draft of a manuscript? The mastermind is perfect for writing in any of these genres:

children's books



narrative nonfiction



family history/legacy writing 


I have finished and published many books for my clients and for me. I know the way, and I want to guide you through a transformative journey from big idea to bookshelf success. Of all the people with book ideas, 97% NEVER write the book. You CAN write your book. You can FINISH your book. You can PUBLISH your book. I’ll help you! 



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Are you ready to take the leap from aspiring writer with ideas or a rough draft to a manuscript-turned-masterpiece ready to publish? Are you ready to become an author?

My next LIVE Author Mastermind begins July 1, 2024. 

Space is limited to a specific number of participants. If you are interested, register or contact me ASAP. This page contains all kinds of details, but you are welcome to call or email me with your questions. Yes! I'm "old school" and want to help you make the best possible decision for your author goals. My phone number is 865-414-4017. My email is [email protected]. Easy! Questions? Just ask!

Join the group.  We will help you.  You can do it!  You will have instruction.  You will have awesome support.  Let's write your book. 

Does this describe you?

➡️  You have a book idea and are just getting started with the writing process, but you are suffering from imposter syndrome, thinking, Who am I to write a book?
➡️ You have a rough draft and KNOW it needs work, but you aren't sure what that "work" is.
➡️  You don’t know what you don’t know and worry about legal issues, grammar, mechanics, and organization. 
➡️ Maybe you work full-time and have a family or multiple obligations. You don’t have hours per day to focus on writing, so you feel like you will NEVER finish.
➡️ You've had this idea for a long time, but you need encouragement and structure to take each small step (and big steps) toward your dream of becoming a published author.
➡️ You value step by step guidance at your pace but don’t know where to find it. 
➡️ You are tired of procrastinating and don't want to look back in a year and wish you'd had the discipline to finish your book.
➡️ You have something important to say but aren't sure how to organize your ideas or structure your writing.
➡️ You enjoy sharing your ideas and opinions and learning from others.  
➡️ You want to publish your book SOON and share your book with family, friends, and the world!
➡️  You value step by step guidance at your pace but don’t know where to find it. 
➡️ You have appropriately invested hard-earned money in writing, editing, designing, and publishing your book. Now you want to at least break even but ideally make a solid profit. 
➡️ Your book is LIVE and available to the entire world to purchase. (By the way, congratulations!!!) You are excited to share your achievement, but you may be disappointed in book sales.

Your story does matter. 

Through the sometimes-hectic hum of everyday life, your stories have buzzed through your brain, begging you to write them down for good. That nagging feeling is your gut telling you to go for it! Your life experiences, wisdom, and creativity deserve to be immortalized on the pages of a book. Books live forever! 

What if I told you that..

You can learn how to finish and polish your manuscript in six months without being stressed, overwhelmed, confused, doubtful, or lonely. 

Imagine a journey where writing and FINISHING your manuscript is not only attainable but also enjoyable. 
Picture a path where you can embrace the guidance of experts, follow a step-by-step plan, participate in group discussions, and finish writing and polishing your book in six months. 

Write, revise, polish, publish!   Write, revise, polish, publish!  Write, revise, polish, publish!

Introducing the ideal path for you:


Manuscript to Masterpiece

~ Author Mastermind ~


You will enjoy:


  • 6 months of instruction and support
  • 12 unique masterclasses on crucial manuscript development topics
  • Group Zoom meetings every week (except major holidays) for 6 MONTHS that include instruction and Q and A
  • Multiple downloadable and printable quick guides and cheat sheet
  • Immediate access to 5 Ways to Start and Keep Writing, a workbook to get you going
  • Immediate access to The Step-by-Step Trail Guide from Idea to Published, Profitable Book
  • Immediate access to my Parts of a Book Cheat Sheet 
  • Immediate access to How to Work with Beta Readers
  • Immediate access to How to Work with Illustrators
  • Free registration to my "Editing, Explained Masterclass”
  • Free registration to my "Pathways to Publishing Masterclass”
  • Tools and surprises along the way!
  • Free Crippled Beagle Publishing Weekly E-Newsletter

📌 Bonus materials and coaching (Scroll down the page to see the bonuses!)

Get started today!


Real People. Real Results.

Our clients love to work with us. Here’s what they have to say!

Meet your instructor.

Hi, I am Jody Dyer, owner of Crippled Beagle Publishing.




I’m a writer just like you!

I’m a teacher.

I’m a successful entrepreneur.


I have written and published books since 2013, but I started writing when I was in middle school. When I was growing up as an only child on a farm in East Tennessee, my favorite pastime was to read to my beagles and write funny poems and songs about my friends. 


Not only was I raised by an educator (my mother) and a bibliophile (my father), but I also became an educator later in life. I first earned a bachelor of science degree in finance and was a mid-management banker.  I returned to school in my late thirties and finished post-baccalaureate certification in secondary education and then a masters in curriculum and instruction. I taught high school and currently teach writing courses at The University of Tennessee Center for Professional Education & Lifelong Learning.


I started Crippled Beagle Publishing in 2017 and have since helped hundreds of writers reach their goals. My team and I help people write, edit, publish, and market their books. Authors are small business owners. I will help you sell your book.

My quirky combination of creative writer plus teacher plus entrepreneur allows me to help with all aspects of an author’s journey—from your idea to your published, profitable book (and your next book).

Since founding Crippled Beagle Publishing, I’ve helped hundreds of writers tell their stories, and I want to help you.

Why struggle when step-by-step guidance from an author, editor, publisher, book marketer, teacher, and GROUP is here?


Join the Manuscript to Masterpiece Author Mastermind to finish, polish,

and prepare your book for publishing.

Secure your future as a published author by taking the first step today.


Masterclasses inside the Mastermind will include these topics and more:

📚 Uncover the Writing Essentials: Master the fundamental techniques of superb storytelling.

🖋️ Satisfy Editors Everywhere: Say goodbye to pesky pet peeves as you learn the insider secrets to writing with precision, polish, and professionalism.

💡 Find Creative Clarity: Say farewell to the fog of confusion through my foolproof brainstorming techniques designed to spark your imagination and obliterate writer’s block.

🗂️ Organize with Ease: Settle the storm in your mind as I teach you how to structure your ideas and outline your book for seamless flow and coherence.

👩‍💻 Craft Unforgettable Characters: Breathe literary life into characters who will linger in readers' minds long after they've turned the last page.

🌟 Find Your Voice: Embrace your unique writing style that sets you apart from the crowd, ensuring your voice resonates with authenticity and originality.

🔥 Ignite Every Page: Infuse your narrative with the sizzle of conflict, the allure of drama, and the subtle nuances of literary devices, ensuring every page crackles with intensity and intrigue.

📖 Navigate Publishing Paths: I will teach you about modern-day publishing so that you can determine the path that aligns perfectly with your vision and goals.

Let's talk about the unbelievable bonuses that you get when you join the Manuscript to Masterpiece ~ Author Mastermind!

These extras make joining a no-brainer!

The Big Book of Marketing

  • Step-by-Step Instructions for the Major Building Blocks of a Strong Book Marketing Plan
  • Tips, Tools, Templates, Checklists, Guides, and More
  • Real Life Examples from Successful Authors
  • Creative Content Ideas (for Social Media and Communication Platforms) You Can Use Repeatedly for Years to Come

Market Your Book! Online Course

Build your 6-part book marketing plan from the ground up for long-term success.

Enjoy instant access to a step-by-step course that helps you reach more readers across the world and increase royalties hitting your bank account. Even if you have no graphic design skills, no book reviews, no website, no social media, no network, and no email list, you CAN be successful.

ALL of the BONUSES for YOU:

(I LIKE TO OVER DELIVER and help fellow writers:):

  • Market Your Book! Online Course (To help you actually sell the book you write and publish.)
  • The Big Book of Book Marketing
  • VIP Pricing for Regal Beagles Author Club 
  • 20% off EDITING
  • 20% off PUBILSHING
  • 20% off MARKETING
  • 50% off unlimited, private Zoom or phone calls with me or a content expert

These bonuses have a total value of $7,173.

This mastermind is for you if you are...

✔️ Serious about writing and finish your book to publish.
✔️ Eager to see your book in readers' hands.
✔️ Excited to do the work necessary, one step at a time, to reach your goals.
✔️ Happy to learn from me and others as well as contribute to group discussions.

This is not for you if you...

Prefer to wait another year to realize your dream.
Have no time to commit to the process of writing your book.
Are not interested in a group learning process (with self-paced, individual components).
Are not interested in learning different ways to enhance your book. 
❌ Prefer to do it yourself, alone, and take your time. 

You deserve this.   Your family and friends and readers deserve this!   Show the people who love you how creative you are!

Creativity is a form of self-care. It is okay to invest in yourself and your dreams.

What would 90-year-old you tell you to do right now?


  • Don't let hesitation steal the spotlight from your literary aspirations. 
  • Don’t go it alone when happy, friendly, experienced help is right here.
  • Don’t procrastinate when you can take easy action and start today.
  • If you don’t join now, how will you feel in 6 months? 


ENROLLMENT is open now and closes SOON.

Participation is limited, so I encourage you not to wait.


How will you feel when you finish your book?


My teaching has helped HUNDREDS of clients, so why not you?

Secure your spot in my Manuscript to Masterpiece: Author Mastermind. 

Before you know it, you’ll be a published author.


What other writers have to say:


Jody is a rockstar. She is very friendly and helped me in every way I needed. She eased my concerns the first minute we started working together. She assessed my needs, made recommendations and off we went. She gave me several marketing tips and helped me understand all the steps I should take to publish my books. She made me a better author all the way around. A true COACH!” —S.R. Fabrico, author of The Secrets We Conceal, Call Her Janie, Keeping Janie, and the My Journal Series


“I’m so grateful to Jody for all of her hard work! Her help and talent, brought to fruition, a dream of mine that far exceeded my expectations! I’m so excited to be able to share my work with the world, and the final product is high quality and beautifully done! I’m so proud of what Jody and I have been able to create!” —Juli Ingman, Poetry While Working Through Addiction and Grief and Practicing Awakening: Reflections from the Heart


“What I learned … is that I CAN do it. I learned about the importance of editing, and in general collaborating with [Jody’s] team to make a number of important decisions….I’m very happy with the outcome of the book. It will be a keepsake for my family and in particular for my grandchildren.” —Beth Staff, author of Auggie’s Neigh Neigh

“I am very grateful for Jody’s expertise in editing the manuscript for my first book! She did a great job helping me organize my thoughts. The manuscript had lots of room for improvement. Jody guided me toward a better finished product while not destroying my self-esteem. I appreciated her encouragement and support!” —Monica Kimutis, author of Cultivating Your Catholic Community: Helping Young Couples and Families Find a Place in Your Parish


How will YOU feel when you are an author?


“What I like most is helping people, which was the purpose of the book:)” —Brenda Seals, author of Son Down, Son Up


“What I love most about being an author is bringing awareness, one reader at a time, to the complicated issues surrounding adoption.” —Terri Decker, author of Adoption Constellation

Being an author gives me the feeling of success! Writing is something I have wanted to do for a long time. To be able to combine my love of books and history through writing is a win/win situation for me!” Marla Judge, author of the Molly Learns Series

Jody, I'm ready. Sign me up!

Manuscript to Masterpiece~Author Mastermind


Full Payment


  • 6 months of instruction and support - It's impossible to quantify the value!
  • 12 individual masterclasses on unique topics that will help you write or polish your book, step by step - Valued at $3640
  • Group Zoom meetings every week (except major holidays) for 6 MONTHS that include instruction and Q and A - Valued at $2600
  • Multiple downloadable and printable quick guides and cheat sheets - Valued at $1,000
  • Immediate access to 5 Ways to Start and Keep Writing workbook to get you going - Valued at $50
  • Immediate access to The Step-by-Step Trail Guide from Idea to Published, Profitable Book - Valued at $50
  • Immediate access to the Parts of a Book Cheat Sheet - Valued at $50
  • Immediate access to How to Work with Beta Readers - Valued at $50
  • Immediate access to How to Work with Illustrators - Valued at $50
  • My "Editing, Explained Masterclass” - Valued at $197
  • My "Pathways to Publishing Masterclass” - Valued at $197
  • Tools and surprises along the way! - Valued at $300

Total Value of Essentials $8,484



  • Market Your Book! Online Course (To help you actually sell the book you write and publish.) - Valued at $1056
  • The Big Book of Book Marketing - Valued at $77
  • VIP Pricing for Regal Beagles Author Club - Valued at $444
  • 20% off editing (based on average manuscript word count) - Valued at $1,600
  • 20% off publishing (based on average package) - Valued at $695 
  • 20% off marketing (based on average package) - Valued at $701
  • 50% off unlimited, private Zoom or phone calls - Valued at $2600

Total Value of Bonuses $7,173

Total Value of EVERYTHING = $15,657

YOUR price with an 81% discount is $2899.

An investment of only $2899 in YOU results in YOUR BOOK being written by December 31.


And don’t forget, for every purchase, I will donate $50 to the animal rescue organization of your choice and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. ~Jody


Manuscript to Masterpiece~Author Mastermind


Pay monthly for 6 Months


  • 6 months of instruction and support - It's impossible to quantify the value!
  • 12 individual masterclasses on unique topics that will help you write or polish your book, step by step - Valued at $3640
  • Group Zoom meetings every week (except major holidays) for 6 MONTHS that include instruction and Q and A - Valued at $2600
  • Multiple downloadable and printable quick guides and cheat sheets - Valued at $1,000
  • Immediate access to 5 Ways to Start and Keep Writing workbook to get you going - Valued at $50
  • Immediate access to The Step-by-Step Trail Guide from Idea to Published, Profitable Book - Valued at $50
  • Immediate access to the Parts of a Book Cheat Sheet - Valued at $50
  • Immediate access to How to Work with Beta Readers - Valued at $50
  • Immediate access to How to Work with Illustrators - Valued at $50
  • My "Editing, Explained Masterclass” - Valued at $197
  • My "Pathways to Publishing Masterclass” - Valued at $197
  • Tools and surprises along the way! - Valued at $300

Total Value of Essentials $8,484



  • Market Your Book! Online Course (To help you actually sell the book you write and publish.) - Valued at $1056
  • The Big Book of Book Marketing - Valued at $77
  • VIP Pricing for Regal Beagles Author Club - Valued at $444
  • 20% off editing (based on average manuscript word count) - Valued at $1,600
  • 20% off publishing (based on average package) - Valued at $695 
  • 20% off marketing (based on average package) - Valued at $701
  • 50% off unlimited, private Zoom or phone calls - Valued at $2600

Total Value of Bonuses $7,173

Total Value of EVERYTHING = $15,657

YOUR price with an 81% discount is only $541 per month.

An investment of only $541 per month in YOU results in YOUR BOOK being written by December 31.


And don’t forget, for every purchase, I will donate $50 to the animal rescue organization of your choice and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. ~Jody


Got questions? I have answers!

Ready to finally commit to making your book a reality?

You have a moral imperative to share your book with the world. You were given these ideas and inspiration for a reason. Follow your instincts and come with me. Let's write your book!


Copyright ©️ Crippled Beagle Publishing, LLC by Jody Dyer. 2023. All rights reserved.