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Manuscript to Masterpiece: Author Mastermind

Hi there!

My team and I are so excited that you have decided to enroll in Manuscript to Masterpiece ~ Author Mastermind! This program will help you write the best book you can write and prepare to print or publish it. 

What you'll get:

  • 6 months of instruction and support
  • 12 individual masterclasses on unique topics that will help you write or polish your book, step by step
  • Group Zoom meetings every week (except major holidays) for 6 MONTHS that include instruction and Q and A
  • Multiple downloadable and printable quick guides and cheat sheets
  • Immediate access to 5 Ways to Start and Keep Writing, workbook to get you going
  • Immediate access to The Step-by-Step Trail Guide from Idea to Published, Profitable Book
  • Immediate access to my Parts of a Book Cheat Sheet 
  • Immediate access to How to Work with Beta Readers
  • Immediate access to How to Work with Illustrators
  • My "Editing, Explained Masterclass”
  • My "Pathways to Publishing Masterclass”
  • Tools and surprises along the way!
  • Market Your Book! Online Course (To help you actually sell the book you write and publish.)
  • The Big Book of Book Marketing
  • VIP Pricing for Regal Beagles Author Club 
  • 20% off editing (based on average manuscript word count)
  • 20% off publishing (based on average package)
  • 20% off marketing (based on average package)
  • 50% off unlimited, private Zoom or phone calls with me or a content expert 

What People Are Saying:

What a joy it was to work with Jody as she was so helpful in providing her knowledge and skills in publishing a short story/book my wife wrote. I wanted to get it published for her birthday as a surprise to her but had no idea where to start. I immediately thought of Jody, called her, told her what I wanted to do, and she took the reigns and kept me informed on what was happening. She also (without us even knowing this was on option) got the book listed on Amazon and we have sold a few!! Super awesome! Super lady!

David Anderson, Businessman and Co-Author

I have been taking individual classes with Jody for several months on marketing. She is knowledgeable, easy to relate to, and caring. I highly recommend her to beginning writers and to those who are already published.

Phyllis Babrove, Clinical Counselor and Author